The Focus
Creating a suitable packaging solution for Hit Roach gel
Targeting professionals and specialists instead of normal, everyday consumers
Position the product closer to the lifestyle enhancement category as opposed to pure ‘problem solutions’
The Design
The finalised packaging solution was metallic/silver to provide the ‘premium’ feeling and treatment
A pyramidal shape that provides ample branding surfaces was chosen; also functional in its scope, given flexible positioning possibilities in a store
Visual cues were all geared to convey a sense of efficiency and professionalism that comes with end-to-end pest control solutions, while highlighting unique features
The Story
Godrej has been making waves in the pest control industry with Hit since 1991, where, it has been following the simple formula of appealing mostly to homemakers who wish to keep their house free from all kinds of pests and subsequent disease.
In that sense, Hit has an overtly consumer friendly approach, which is advantageous in some ways and precarious in others. In a market where professional pest control agencies also exist, there is a perception that for a more lethal treatment, Hit may not be enough.
“This product was to be turned into a premium solution that would be sought after by not just homemakers or everyday customers, but also professionals who undertook pest control. Second, the positioning of the product needed to veer towards ‘lifestyle enhancement’: somewhere between dishwashing liquid and room freshener. Lastly, it needed to be differentiated vastly on the shelf to create strong recall.”
Another important point to note is that this is a ‘problem solution’ type of product that does not generate excitement – it is mainly utilised as a necessity. Long story short, you can’t make a day out of shopping for pest control options.
Godrej wished to change some of these perceptions with the introduction of its Roach Gel in 2013. Thus, when they came to Elephant for a secondary packaging solution, their issue areas were threefold.
First, to turn this product into a premium solution that would be sought after by not just homemakers or everyday customers, but also professionals who undertook pest control. Second, the positioning of the product needed to veer towards ‘lifestyle enhancement’: somewhere between dishwashing liquid and room freshener. Lastly, it needed to be differentiated vastly on the shelf to create strong recall.
“Since the new Hit Roach Gel was an extremely innovative, techno-savvy product, Elephant decided to utilise a silvered, metallic colour scape to give it the “premium” feel. The idea was that the product needed to give off the aura of an expert, highly effective solution.”
The Silvered Edge
Since the new Hit Roach Gel was an extremely innovative, techno-savvy product, Elephant decided to utilise a silvered, metallic colour scape to give it the “premium” feel. The idea was that the product needed to give off the aura of an expert, highly effective solution.
The fact that the structure needed to be functionally viable was a given in a product category like this. Therefore, after deliberation, a pyramidal secondary packaging solution was selected to contain the gel injection. This incorporated an easy slide-out mechanism and served as a docket for the product which, in turn, gave a sturdy platform for the product to stand tall on the shelf. We also provided a hanging hole so that it could be retailed flexibly.
In this way, the consumer could interact with the packaging and see that this could be a viable stand in for full-fledged pest control.
“To amplify the cues of the roach gel being equally viable for professionals, Elephant decided that the packaging graphics needed to be direct and transparent. The mesh pattern and arrows on the packaging indicate efficiency, focused effort and potency.”
Terminator: Professional
To amplify the cues of the roach gel being equally viable for professionals, Elephant decided that the packaging graphics needed to be direct and transparent. The mesh pattern and arrows on the packaging indicate efficiency, focused effort and potency.
Mnemonics convey the brand promise, benefits and highlight the unique click mechanism – particularly how easy it is to use and apply. We also made room for a product showcase on the package instead of providing illustrations or graphical representations to further increase transparency and foster trust.
Thus, both: the DIY type of customer and the pest-control professional could find something that resonated with their needs – while its usability and premium feel also shift product perception to a more ‘lifestyle enhancement’ bracket.
“If you think good design is expensive, you should look at the cost of bad design.”