Jawa Service Station
Maintaining the Legend | Jawa

The Focus
Design the JAWA Service Station as an extended customer experience of the retail store
The brand’s legacy and identity needed to echo through while highlighting the promise of timeless reliability and expert service delivery
Customer convenience and engagement needed to be streamlined to provide an optimum, hassle-free service experience
The Design
The team successfully integrated Jawa branding, visual language, lifestyle imagery & elements within the service station to build familiarity by mirroring the look & feel of the store, putting JAWA customers at ease.
Island-style industrial looking service bay with Jawa branding allows for an organized, service-oriented machine display while letting customers view the servicing process unhindered.
The customer journey is enhanced due to the intelligent use of spaces where waiting, getting expert advice and other crucial processes are seamlessly interwoven.
The Story
The team at Elephant had the opportunity to design the Jawa Retail experience for a contemporary Indian market. Here, we developed a distinctive visual language and implemented an in-store experience that evokes a retro-futuristic feel, replete with themed elements and a book café-style corner reminiscent of an authentic, eventful past. You can view our work for the JAWA retail store in detail here.
After a highly successful launch, the team was tasked with bringing the Jawa experience to its service centres, extending the brand’s ecosystem and customer relationship.
A history of impeccable service
Jawa’s obsession with craftsmanship and high-quality materials started with the founder himself - Janecek who leveraged the prowess of highly skilled post-war workmen.
Additionally, with their earlier designs crafted by racers like G.W. Prachett, they’ve always created motorcycles that were favoured by the masses and bike enthusiasts alike.
“The fascia signage features the Jawa logo prominently taking pride of place at the frontage. At the entry points, lifestyle visuals of JAWA bikes and their usage scenarios serve to create greater brand recall while immersing customers in a nostalgia-driven ride feel while accelerating aspirations.”
All of these elements extend to the notion of high-quality servicing, which is often the true test of the brand. After all, the customer doesn’t simply invest in the bike – they invest in a legacy, a brand experience that they think will outmatch other potential options. This made it important for our team to introduce key elements that were part of the store experience, at the servicing centre too.
The fascia signage, for instance, features the Jawa logo prominently taking pride of place at the frontage. At the entry points, lifestyle visuals of JAWA bikes and their usage scenarios serve to create greater brand recall while immersing customers in a nostalgia-driven ride feel while accelerating aspirations.
The walls convey relevant technical and brand-based communication.
“One of the more interesting choices we made was to include a large service-bay window in the waiting area so customers can see their beloved machines being serviced and feel confident about the service quality and the fact that their machine is in safe hands.”
Modernity here arrives in the form of highly modular, branded, island-style hydraulic scissors lift servicing stations with best-in-class tools to offer top quality service while giving the service-bay the desired look & feel of a pro-service facility.
Waiting for the glimpse within
A visit to any service centre, in most cases, is usually a pain-point arising from pure necessity. While some may be proactive in their scheduling, the fact remains that no one would visit the centre if they didn’t have to.
For this reason, our team decided to ensure that customers feel extremely comfortable and at home throughout this entire experience.
The welcome desk ensures customers receive proper attention when they visit and enables smooth interaction and efficient management of the preliminary service entry & delivery process. It is a convenient place to discuss issues and understand the quantum & type of services required.
““How you think about your customer influences how you respond to them.” ”
Servicing often involves a lengthy wait time. The bench seating is a key element distilled from the store design, allowing customers to wait comfortably while they get some expert assistance, maintenance tips & tricks while striking up a conversation with the service technician.
One of the more interesting choices we made was to include a large service-bay window in the waiting area so customers can see their beloved machines being serviced and feel confident about the service quality and the fact that their machine is in safe hands.
With Elephant’s help, the Jawa service centre now functions as a natural extension of the brand’s in-store experience – while also having its own, distinctive features that streamline the customer’s journey from entry to exit. The feedback and implementation stages enable us to confidently state that this was an apt design solution for a crucial brand experience!